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The Long Walk. a facilitator’s pilgrimage

September 13, 2023 @ 10:00 am - September 17, 2023 @ 6:30 pm

The Long Walk. a facilitator’s pilgrimage



Seminar by Bogna Szymkiewicz and Sergi Barrientos

“None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith in the path.”

Paolo Coelho

This week of supervision will be like the pilgrimage of the Via Francigena, a personal discovery of shamanic and clinical skills.

A path to develop facilitator presence and client presence, as it is just as important to be a good client as it is to be a good facilitator.

Topics covered

This supervision week will be as the pilgrimage of Via Francigena, a personal discovery of shamanic and clinical skills.

A path to develop the presence of the facilitator and the presence of the client, as it is equally important to be good client as to be good facilitator.

During this pilgrimage we will do different stops in our path, the first, the extreme states day, with basic clinical key skills and metaskills plus supervision, next day will follow by dreamwork (supervision on dreams), the third date followed by symptoms, follow by relationships, arrive to our last stop that would be group supervision.

In each stop we will spend a bit of time framing key skills and metaskills in different areas following the adventures of been clients and facilitators. We encourage you a week before this pilgrimage to take time to prepare, like every pilgrimage would do: take time to reflect about the extreme states that you bring with you, the dreams that are affecting your path, the symptoms that your body is dreaming, the relationships and tensions that are calling your attention, and the roles that you tend to play in groups, as the world issues that are influencing your walk. In each of these areas, pay attention to the learning that you want to achieve, and the edges that you want to transform or evolve.


Bogna Szymkiewicz

Ph.D., she has been teaching for over 30 years at the Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Warsaw. She holds diploma in Process Work from Zurich, and a degree in clinical psychology. She works with clients in private practice, facilitates groups and teaches Process Work internationally. She is a co-founder of Process Work School in Poland, where she teaches and gives supervision regularly.

Sergi Barrientos

Facilitator, Trainer and Therapist, Diplomate on Process Work, I support individuals, groups and organizations to realize themselves, to connect with who they are and to discover what they contribute to their environment from a Process Work and Systemic approach.

A long experience in social movements and social justice projects, as well as years living and working in different parts of the world with multiple organizations and communities have given me a cross-cultural awareness of the dynamics of privilege, power and marginalization.

Founder member of the Go Deep Project recognized with the GENE Global Education Innovation Award ’17, I currently collaborate with various organizations in Europe:

  • Supporting organizational development and conflict management in associations and companies.
  • Supporting the development of leadership and dialogue in the field of migration and reception.
  • Supporting men to become more aware of themselves, of the use/misuse of their power and the impact this has on themselves and their relationships.

I love the study and research, art and the mountains.



Email: sergiproces@gmail.com

Languages: EN – ES – IT


The intensive practice and supervision seminar is open to members of the Italian School of Process Work and to students of other Process Work schools, upon payment of the annual membership fee of €20.


Intensive Supervision reserved to Process Work students (37h)

The seminar will be held at VILLA MAJNONI BALDOVINETTI, Via Mazzana 1, 56020 – Marti (PI) Italy  http://fattoriamajnonibaldovinetti.com/it/home/


Wednesday 13th September 2023 15:00-18:30

Thursday 14th, Friday 15th, Saturday 16th, Sunday 17th September 2023 10:00-13:30; 15:00- 18:30


The seminar has a cost of Euro 600.

To proceed with the registration for the seminar, follow the instructions below.

For more information on organization and teaching, you can write to: info@processworkitalia.com or contact the student coordinator Samuel Capecchi on +39 347 182 1047.

Sign up by bank transfer

Are you already a member this year?

Make a bank transfer of 600€ to partecipate to:

Associazione Arte del Processo, Via XXV Aprile 10, Castelfiorentino (FI)

IBAN: IT08C0501802800000012398665 SWIFT / BIC: ETICIT22XXX

Object: Registration + Seminar Title + Name and Surname

Still have to become a member?

Fill out the form to join (Click here) and make a transfer of € 620 to partecipate to the seminar (€ 20 membership fee + € 600 seminar registration)

PLEASE NOTE: to facilitate communications we kindly ask you to inform us of your registration by writing your contact details (name, surname, email, tel) to: info@processworkitalia.com

Thanks for collaboration!


September 13, 2023 @ 10:00 am
September 17, 2023 @ 6:30 pm


Circolo ricreativo l’Ortaccio
Via Loris Baroni 14
Vico Pisano, Pisa 56010