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September 20, 2024 @ 3:00 pm - September 24, 2024 @ 6:00 pm

SEMINAR by Ana Rhodes Castro and Reini Hauser


Development of inner supervisor and facilitator


This supervision intensive is designed to guide students on how and when to use the different methods and levels of Process Work. You will experience how to use skills and tools to improve your effectiveness as a facilitator.

We will deepen the skills of “first training”, information on channels, work on the limits and with inner critics, the analysis of signals and everything that supports us in our work with clients in structural analysis. We will also focus on the “second training” skills that refer to a deeper understanding of Process mind. In this supervision intensive, we will create a space of mutual learning.

Main topic

For this intensive Supervision, we will co create a space called “The Mystery School of learning” where we are all teachers and students of each other!

It is an adventure of learning together as clients and facilitators of each other. We aim to create together a space free from judgments that welcomes the beginners’ minds in all of us so that we can deepen our skills and unfold our conscious and unconscious powers of facilitation when being in roles of support to others such as therapists, mentors, coaches, trainers, counsellors and supervisors.

The seminar is open to all Process Work students of all levels: former and current students from our school and from other international school of Process Work.

This is a space that focuses on individual work and couple work mainly, but we will do a bit of group supervision based on case work if we have time on Sunday afternoon.

We will deepen our skills of ¨first training¨ in Process Work which support us in our work with clients in the area of structural analysis, clear awareness of channels interventions and information, edge work, inner critic work and signals analysis.

We will also focus on what we call ¨second training¨ skills which relate to deeper understanding of the Processmind. The Processmind is a concept and a subtle force-field body intelligence experience that moves us in a way that mirrors the movements of our dreams. The Processmind concept mirrors Einstein’s “Mind of God” – the intelligence behind the universe. This intelligent field has aspects of omniscience, omnipresence and power found in many “God” and peak experiences. Learning to follow the Processmind is a deeply spiritual journey in our personal lives and a deeper ability as facilitators that supports us to follow the process of a client, be it a group, a couple or an individual, and support the client to unfold its deepest potential and follow their natural rhythm of Evolution.

This class is designed to help guide learners in how and when to use different Process Work methods and different levels of interventions. We will find the fluidity between the structural analysis of the first training and the deep self-intuition and knowledge of the second training.

In this class you will experience how to use both SKILLS and METASKILLS in a dance essential to improving your effectiveness as a facilitator. We aim to broaden the facilitation repertoire to help you get closer to acting from your deepest self. We will explore diversity or archetypal skills as we explore your own style as facilitators.

What will we do during the training?

We will focus on:

  • unbiased awareness and perception as a container for process
  • forming process structure hypothesis as a grounding influence
  • using signals to deepen our work into the unknown
  • recognizing various levels of perception and when to use them

Who is it recommended for?

Works in the middle will be relevant to the various applications of the Skills and Theory that we will be learning together. We hope that as many of us will have an opportunity to be Clients and Facilitators of each other while there is Supervision so that we can all learn together. Learning to be a client is as important as learning to be a facilitator!!

Ana Rhodes Castro

Ana Rhodes, PhD, has trained in a wide variety of personal and organisational development skills including Process Oriented Psychology, appreciative inquiry, conflict facilitation, applied skills for sustainable social and culture change, leadership and confidence building, outcome mapping, supervision and executive coaching.

Ana is a diplomate in Process Work – Process Oriented Psychology from the Portland Process Work Institute in the USA.
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Some K positions she has help over her professional life:

2009 – 2013 Chair of Management of the Findhorn Foundation
This includes taking responsibility for the overall performance of the Management team and an organisation of 200 individuals, chairing meetings and liaising and preparing reports for the trustees while also carrying out regular supervision and appraisal of all management staff,

facilitating big group process and open forum dialogue in order to support sustainable decision making, strategic and economic awareness for the benefit of the long term life of the system.

2003 – 2009 Personal Development Manager

This involved running internal trainings, conflict facilitation, supervision and overseeing structures that support the Findhorn Foundation to function efficiently at an individual and collective level.

She has founded a centre dedicated to the Transformation of Human Conflict (CTCH) that runs regular international training teaching conflict facilitation, deep democracy skills, group dynamics and evolutionary leadership as a new paradigm of world engagement. https://transformaciondelconflicto.es/

She works as facilitator, trainer and supervisor with corporate organisations, civic society movements and NGOs.

She is a cofounder of the School of Arte del Processo in Italy. She currently is the faculty Director as well as a core teacher, supervisor and therapist within it.

She collaborates with a diversity of organisations as associate teacher and supervisor such as NAOS institute in London, IMPACT Evolution in Athens, OMA Richard Olivier Mythodrama in London, etc.

One of her greatest passions involves maximizing the inherent potential of individuals, groups and organizations in a way that is supportive and enhances natural leadership.
She facilitates groups of up to 400 people in processes of socio-cultural and organisational change, using tools that support diversity and deep democracy.

She feels deeply for working with cross-cultural education and diversity issues such as gender, race, sexual orientation, class, politics, religion…etc incorporating visual media and group dynamics. She has facilitated the international documentaries called The Dialogue and American Textures.

Ana is fluent in both Spanish and English and regularly runs trainings and offers consultancy in Spain, Italy, the UK, Athens, South America and others. 
Reini Hauser

Reini Hauser, Ph.D., is an accredited psychotherapist, supervisor, coach and group facilitator and has been teaching Processwork for 30 years world-wide. He works with clients, couples and groups in private practice in Zurich.

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Some of his interests include group and conflict work, body work and meditation. Co-founder and leader of the Zurich Processwork Institute Zurich 2005-2019, he is on the faculty of the ZIST Academy for Psychotherapy, Germany, and currently co-leads training programs in Russia, Switzerland, Germany and Italy. He lives in Zurich with his family. http://www.reinihauser.net .


The seminar is held in English with Italian translation.

The Italian School of Processwork and Deep Democracy is an IAPOP Training Center. The school is affiliated to Fedpro (EF006 Code).

The seminar is reserved to registered students and other Process Work students and is valid for 93 Italian CFP Fedpro credits.


SEMINAR is reserved to registered students and other Process Work students.

The days of open seminar (from 20 to 24  SEPT 2024) will be held at VILLA MAJNONI BALDOVINETTI Via Mazzana n.1, Marti
56020 Montopoli in Val D’Arno
Pisa, Italy


  • Friday 20 September 2024  15:00-19:00
  • 21/22/23 September 2024 10:00-13:30; 15:00- 18:30
  • Tuesday 24 September 2024 10:00-13.00; 15.00-18.00


Seminar partecipation fee: 600€

In order to register, click on the boxes here below and buy your ticket via bank transfer.

For more information: info@processworkitalia.com or Samuel Capecchi +39 347 182 1047


You can pay by credit/debit card or by bank transfer.

Payment via credit/debit card

Enter your details below and fill out the form in 3 simple steps:


Payment by bank transfer

Follow the instructions below:

Are you already a member this year?

Make a bank transfer of 600€ to:

Associazione Arte del Processo APS || Bank Data IBAN: IT08C0501802800000012398665  SWIFT/BIC: ETICIT22XXX   Object: Registration + Seminar Title + Name and Surname

Still have to become a member?

Fill out the form to join the association (Click here) and make a transfer of € 620 to partecipate to the seminar (€ 20 membership fee + € 600 seminar registration)

PLEASE NOTE: to facilitate communications we kindly ask you to inform us of your registration by writing your contact details (name, surname, email, tel) to: info@processworkitalia.com

Thanks for collaboration!


September 20, 2024 @ 3:00 pm
September 24, 2024 @ 6:00 pm


Circolo ricreativo l’Ortaccio
Via Loris Baroni 14
Vico Pisano, Pisa 56010