REIMAGINING OUR PAST: a journey of deconstruction, sovereignty and reconciliation
ERASMUS + Project. Training and tools for young people aged 18-30
The training course takes place at Mas Franch, in Sant Felieu de Pallerol, Spain from 25 to 29 May 2023, promoted by Resilience.Earth, a Catalan non-profit cooperative engaged in social change management, in collaboration with the non-profit association from overseas France émanciper Mayotte and the association of social promotion and the Italian School of Process work Arte del Processo.

Feedback from participants
Accountability is fun, process is art, by Kamelia Sofia El Gaddar
PROcess THEatre YOUth WORK
Tools and training for operators in the youth sector.
Project funded by ERASMUS +.
The training course takes place in the Torri Superiore Ecovillage from May 25th to June 3rd, 2022. The participants are 27 youth workers from 9 countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands, Estonia, Slovenia) supported by 5 men and women facilitators.

Three methodologies that intertwine and complement each other: a single objective to transfer in a few days skills to get to know oneself and be ready to work with conflicts and multiculturalism, to be able to accompany everyone to express their talents and bring their special creativity into the world, so that they can consciously contribute to contaminating others to build sustainable relationships with themselves and in the world.

A secret: supporting the presence of the participants, being in the here and now and that this experience could come from the heart. A great ally, always at hand: the body, movement and all the senses that accompanied by feeling can deepen perception and keep us in touch with our deepest and most authentic part.

Ingredients needed: a motivated and enthusiastic team of trainers, but above all a group of young men and women from all over Europe who accepted the challenge and, with curiosity, enthusiasm and great courage, allowed themselves to be carried away by the experience of learning in a group and put themselves@ and all their skills and dreams at the disposal so that the learning could proceed, helping to co-construct a safe space that could welcome and include all the voices, diversities and experiences present.
Living through direct experience, to be instruments of what one wants to bring into the world.
The location, the beautiful eco-village of Torri Superiori, and the spirit of community that is absorbed, certainly contributed to the success of this first structured training in which the Italian School of A Processwork , Process and Deep Democracy brought out, with the valuable collaboration of 3TSocia, Teatro Sistemico and Collettivo Clown.
Project funded by ERASMUS +

The most transformative course I have taken part to. Many thanks to the whole team
The group was so open that even arguments had the chance to be brought up with honesty, this was allowed because there was trust in the group and the facilitators skills and intention of communicating with the heart
I can’t tell one single session, for me they were all connected and made sense together. I have very appreciated to work mainly through the body and to have the chance to pass trhough the group dinamics and conflicts as par of the training.

Are you interested in ProcessWork and think about attending our school?
We are at your disposal to answer any questions about the course, the outlets, the activities. Contact us to find out more about how to register.