The voice of the students

Let’s give space to the voice of the students, the real protagonists of the Italian School of Processwork.

These are their testimonies on what Processwork means to them and its impact on their life path and professional careers.

The Creative Group

Processwork is a methodology that enhances and develops the creative dimension of those who practice it. You are encouraged to foster an intuitive and awake presence with which to follow and support the process. Like with any artistic or creative process, Processwork also feeds on the observation and amplification of signals that manifest themselves in all channels (proprioceptive, visual, auditory, movement, relational and world).

Noticing this cross-over, in 2016, during the first year, some students, eager to create an exploratory space, began to develop projects together outside of the seminars.

Thus was born the Creative Group, totally self-managed, a research laboratory among Processwork students to explore, investigate, develop and share their creative “spark“, be it a small seed still underground, a tree at its maximum splendour, a dream, a desire, a practice or something still unknown.

Starting from the methodological approach of Processwork the research is enriched by contamination with other artistic approaches and techniques such as: sensory theatre, the theatre of the oppressed, the yoga of laughter, contact dance, authentic movement, painting, sculpture, music, puppet shows, singing, meditation, collage, maps, …

The group, for example, has experimented with how to integrate other modes of expression into group processes, such as authentic movement, dance and painting, with which to bring out the voices in the field.

In recent years, the Creative Group has independently organised and come together twice, each time for 5 days, one winter in Venice and one summer in Manziana (outside Rome) and has explored some practices that it has shared, during the seminars, with all the students of the school.

All the creative group meetings are free of charge and open to all students of the school, and from this year forward they are open also to the students of the other schools of Processwork from other countries. Any participant can propose individual and groups exploration in the form of workshops, exercises, performances or simple questions that open a dialogue.

To participate is not necessary a particular competence or vocation, but a beginner’s attitude!

Do you want to become a student?

Enrolment in the School of Arte del Processo will allow you to deepen your knowledge of the fascinating subject of Processwork and make for intense experiences of emotional sharing. Find out how to participate in our activities.