Deep Democracy is about embracing the whole, not just the parts we like.
Arnold Mindell
Our school – Arte del Processo and Deep Democracy
Since the birth of our school in 2015, we have been the first training body in Italy offering certified courses in Process Work, also known as Process-Oriented Psychology. This includes training in the transformation and resolution of conflict.

Enrollment to the school year 2025 is open! Find out the seminars and webinars for the 2025 program. Click here.
Presentation of the Italian School of Process Work
Find out more about the process work, the school path, the teachers and the learning areas. At the end of the webinar, we will answer all your questions.
We are waiting for you!
To choose your date, click here.
Seizing the Present, Facilitating Complexity, Co-creating the Future
SEMINAR by Bogna Szymkiewicz and Ana Rhodes Castro
Counselling is a method to support people to develop and use their own natural personal skills to face, manage and understand the challenges in their personal life and their environment. Counsell…
We are waiting for you!
More information, click here.
Learning how to work deeply and sensitively and skillfully with yourself and others through MASTERING THE ART OF:
- Inner work –
- Symptom work
- Dream work
- Relationship work
- Group work – Open Forums for the Facilitation of group (systemic) conflict.
- Conflict work – Learning how to facilitate individuals and couples.
- Work with altered and extreme states of consciousness
- Worldwork – The application of Processwork to world issues – here we find ourselves in the socio-political sphere and the wealth of diversity issues that we find the world over – for example in the painful and important areas of racism, sexism, gender, sexual-orientation, and in all and any area where differences of rank and privilege and power influence private and public opinion and threaten basic human rights.
- Team and Community building
- Education
- Health and wellbeing – work with physical body symptoms AND with psychological symptoms of distress.
- Leadership e Management
- Coaching and Facilitation
- Activism and Social Responsibility
- Personal Growth
- Art and Creativity
- New Sciences
You will have the opportunity to share with us through
- Bringing YOURSELF just as you ARE.
- Being assigned your own small Peer group that meets regularly in support of each other’s learning and growth.
- Being a part of our Student Community that includes the entire school.
- Having the opportunity to dream and to communicate those deeper dreams within a supportive community of others on the same path as you.
- Having the opportunity to Create Processwork events either alone or in collaboration with others.
- We welcome your constructive criticism and your creative proposals – your feedback is welcome!
- Together we foster an environment in which we support one another and the school itself.
- Experiencing yourself as part of something larger.
How to approach Process Work?
The School of Process Work offers you different paths of personal growth and professional training, nationally and internationally.
Based on your needs, your goals and the time you want to dedicate to us, discover the many ways in which to participate in the activities of our school and experience Process Work in your life.
As a student
Enter a fascinating journey of seminars, lessons, supervision, study and much more. You will thus be able to become an expert counsellor in process-oriented facilitation (the school is affiliated with FEDPRO) or continue the path to obtain the International Diploma in Process Work, recognized by IAPOP.
Find out more about the course and how to register, click here.
As a member
As a member of the Arte del Processo Association (annual fee of € 20) you can participate in the mandatory seminars for students who are also open to outsiders, upon payment of the specific registration fee.
The seminars, lasting from one to three days, are held in Italian and English with international teachers and are held both online and in person. Check the calendar HERE!
Upcoming seminars and webinars
Every year we organize many free and paid events, both online and face-to-face, lectures, open seminars, supervisions and moments of sharing.
All seminars of the School of Process Work are held in two languages, Italian and English, and issue Italian professional CFP credits.
In the EVENTS AND SEMINARS section you will find appointments, free or paid, open to the public.
As an association, to participate in paid events you must first pay the annual membership fee of € 20.
Messages and awareness
Every symptom, dream, diversity and conflict, internal and external, has a message for us. We can integrate it or marginalise it. If we can integrate it, our life becomes one of flow and enrichment. If we marginalise it, our life becomes heavy, difficult, conflictual, superficial. We make this choice continuously, every day, all our life, most of the time unconsciously.
Develop the awareness necessary to live more fluidly and with greater awareness.
This is Arte del Processo. Have a good journey!
Join our Telegram channel.
You will find material on Process Work and news on scheduled events!
What is Processwork?
It is a discipline that is both theoretical and experiential, rooted in Jungian, transpersonal and systemic psychology and ancient wisdom traditions such as Taoism.
Whilst all these traditions and schools of thought may seem very different at a glance – they are in fact all united by a common thread – an understanding of the nature of LIFE AS A PROCESS – and the experience of how healing it is in any situation – when we are able to read and include the underlying process – such that ALL the different elements are included and all voices are welcomed.
The father of Processwork – Arnold Mindell – physicist and Junghian analyst, discovered that the same patterns that reveal themselves through our night dreams are also recognisable in our bodily symptoms – once we know how to look for them. From this, a model was developed READ MORE…
Our Philosophy: Deep Democracy
A democracy in which the majority irretrievably wins over the minority is no longer enough for us.
We seek new ways to gain awareness of how we use our privileges and the impact of our behaviour on all levels, welcoming and exploring the value of diversity and bringing social innovation through inner awareness.
for us, being ourselves is an act of social responsibility. Learn more at
To Discover the activities and issues addressed in these first years of our school, click here!

Would you like to learn more about the School of the Art of Process and Deep Democracy? Do you want to learn more about its path, activities, teachers, certifications, professional releases? Write to us on Whatsapp or to We will email you the brochure “Hello ProcessworkItalia”!
The Schoolis affiliated with FED PRO, which means that our open seminars are a part of the recognised and certified professional requirements for trainee Counsellors and can also be used by practising Counsellors as part of your professional requirements for CPD (Certificates for ongoing professional Development) in the FED PRO professional register.
At the end of the three-year course it will be possible to become a COUNSELLOR SPECIALISING IN PROCESS-ORIENTED FACILITATION.
For those who want to take a really DEEP DIVE it is possible to continue on and in to the Diploma programme and to work towards the achievement of the INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMA IN PROCESSWORK, recognized by IAPOP (The International Association for Process-Oriented Psychology).