A methodology that offers tools and attitudes to facilitate all types of human experience, both personal and collective, including the transformation of conflicts. The basic idea is that any conflict or symptom, psychological, social or physical, can be processed and transformed in order to learn a hidden message.

It is a humanistic and interdisciplinary approach for the development of awareness and change that draws on Jungian and Gestalt psychology, sociology, systems and communications theory, Taoist philosophy, indigenous knowledge and quantum physics.


Process Work or Process-Oriented Psychology was developed over the last forty years by Arnold and Amy Mindell and their colleagues.

The model of Processwork was originally created by Dr Arnold Mindell, a physicist and Jungian psychologist, who noted that the patterns present in people’s nocturnal dreams were the same as those present in their body symptoms.

From this a method was developed with the observation of these patterns at the heart of it and tracked by noticing what we call ‘signals’ in Processwork, helping us to bring these personal and collective (cultural/historical/mythical) patterns in to our awareness where we can use them in our work with ourselves and each other – to get beneath the surface of our ordinary everyday understanding – in the service of transforming and enriching our relationship with ourselves, each other, and with the world around us. Processwork trains us to observe these signals, helping us to unfold them and to bring them in to awareness.


  • Business Development

  • Team e Community Building
  • Group facilitation

  • Working with body symptoms

  • Education and training

  • Artistic/Creative Expression

  • Coaching and Facilitation

  • Holistic Wellness


Processwork is applicable in a wide range of situations for those who are interested in exploring and deepening their relationship with themselves, with others and with the world around them.

It is useful for those who work in public and private organisations, in areas of care and support for individuals and groups, as well as in areas of facilitation and organisational and personal development, research and artistic expression.


  • Initiate or extend a path of deep self-knowledge
  • Establish more conscious and satisfying relationships
  • Build dialogue in groups
  • Nurture cultures based on diversity
  • Develop the skills and acquire the knowledge that helps us work with individuals, couples, groups and organisations, as well as with the natural environment
  • Create greater awareness and support for your needs, dreams and projects.

Our teachers explain Process Work


“Opened up worlds to me, similar to my holistic vision of Life, allowing me, through seminars and examinations, to enrich my search for meaning and direction by entering the world of complexity, quantum systems, shamanism, Jungian and Freudian psychology and the most important psychological currents of both the last century and the current one.” Read more..

Rossella Pisoni 

5th year, Phase 2, 10/09/2020

“I’m 50 years old, my life’s myth, linked to a recurring childhood dream, tells me about taking difficult and challenging paths, of which I have not defined the goal but towards which I feel a great attraction. This was also the case for Processwork… ” Read more..

Monica Garraffa

4th year, 11/09/2020

” When I first joined a seminar at Scuola di Arte del Processo last year I found a wonderful group of people who are learning processeswork with a spirit of wholeheartedness, excitement and curiosity. The love for..” Leggi di più..

Markus Eberl,

Austria, 02/10/2020

“I chose to enrol in the School Arte del Processo because I have always been fascinated by the theme of power, which permeates everything but is given little attention in our society..” Read more..

Margherita Forgione,

5th year, 09/09/2020