Basic principles, skills and metaskills for working with movement and proprioception remotely
Through this webinar we will immerse ourselves in the essential aspects of work with the movement and proprioception remotely in the digital environment. We will face the basic principles, practical skills and metacompences necessary to effectively drive and involve customers through online sessions.
The webinar is held in English with Italian translation.
The Italian School of Process Work and Deep Democracy is a Training Center IAPOP and it is affiliated to FEDPRO code EF006
Webinar is reserved to students of Process Work – phase 2 and is valid for 8,75 Italian CFP Fedpro credits.
The webinar, which costs 80€, is reserved to students of Process Work – phase 2.
For more information on organization and teaching, you can also contact the student coordinator Samuel Capecchi at +39 347 182 1047 –
You can pay by credit/debit card or by bank transfer. Follow the instructions below.
Payment via credit/debit card
Payment by bank transfer
Follow the instructions below:
Are you already a member this year?
Make a bank transfer of 80€ to:
Associazione Arte del Processo, Piazza San Romano 16 CENTRO STORICO 55100 – LUCCA (LU)
IBAN: IT08C0501802800000012398665 SWIFT/BIC: ETICIT22XXX
Object: Registration + Seminar Title + Name and Surname
Still have to become a member?
Fill out the form to join the association (Click here) and make a transfer of 100€ o partecipate to the webinar (20€ membership fee + 80€ seminar registration)
PLEASE NOTE: to facilitate communications we kindly ask you to inform us of your registration by writing your contact details (name, surname, email, tel) to:
Thanks for collaboration!