Process work is a body oriented, sensory grounded and emotion-based approach in experiential therapy. Its key is awareness and the precise perception of intentional and unintentional signals in their respective channels, unfolding them to embrace hitherto unknown experiences toward coherence and wholeness.
Topics include a concise intro to Processwork and its applications in counselling, coaching and therapy. We learn to see the structure of ‘process’ according to closeness and distance from one’s awareness; enhance our skills to perceive signals, double signals and channels of ‘process’. We will learn perceptual tools that will help navigate the ocean of communication signals – how to discover structure in the dynamics and flow of process.
We study the art of unfolding experiences and working on edges to marginalized aspects of self and, last but not least, deepen our feeling attitudes and relational abilities to align with the client to support growth into one’s whole self. Diving deep into essential qualities of experience will connect us deeply with ourselves, others and the world around us.
Reini Hauser, Ph.D., is an accredited psychotherapist, supervisor, coach and group facilitator and has been teaching Processwork for 30 years world-wide. He works with clients, couples and groups in private practice in Zurich.
Some of his interests include group and conflict work, body work and meditation. Co-founder and leader of the Zurich Processwork Institute Zurich 2005-2019, he is on the faculty of the ZIST Academy for Psychotherapy, Germany, and currently co-leads training programs in Russia, Switzerland, Germany and Italy. He lives in Zurich with his family. .
For anyone working with people in areas like psychotherapy, counselling, coaching, mediation, social work, medicine and related fields. Discover resources and meaning in the most adverse experiences through purely experiential methods. The w/s will strengthen your sense of self-efficacy and ease as you work on yourself connecting deeply (and playfully) to yourself, others and the planet.
Seminar open to members (16h, 48 CFP credits)
The first three days of open seminar (27-28-29 January 2023) will be held at SERENO REGIS, Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 13, 10122 Turin –
Friday 27 January 2023 15:00-18:30
Saturday 28 January 2023 10:00-13:30; 15:00- 18:30
Sunday 29 January 2023 10:00-13:30; 15:00-17:00
Training days reserved for Process Work students (12,5h) – 150€
The following 2 days (30-31 January 2023) reserved for students will be held at OFF TOPIC, Via Giorgio Pallavicino, 35, 10153 – Turin –
Monday 30 January 2023 10:00-13:30; 15:00- 18:30
Tuesday 31 January 2023 10:00-13:30; 15:00-17:00
Seminar open to members (16h, 48 CFP credits) – 230€
The first three days of open seminar (27-28-29 January 2023) will be held at SERENO REGIS, Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 13, 10122 Turin –
Training days reserved for Process Work students (12,5h) – 150€
The following 2 days (30-31 January 2023) reserved for students will be held at OFF TOPIC, Via Giorgio Pallavicino, 35, 10153 – Turin –
In order to register, click on the boxes here below and buy your ticket via bank transfer.
For more information: or Samuel Capecchi +39 347 182 1047