Seizing the Present, Facilitating Complexity, Co-creating the Future
Counselling is a method to support people to develop and use their own natural personal skills to face, manage and understand the challenges in their personal life and their environment. Counselling helps to discover the life the hidden potential. Counsellors come from diverse fields, such as psychotherapy, medicine or education, but the philosophy is the same.
The philosophy of Counselling supports you to solve and understand existential difficulties that do not need a deep reorganization of personality, so counselling follows the process that the client brings and activate their inner resources. This philosophy corresponds very well with Process Work theory and methods of working with people.
Process work is a holistic and multidimensional approach, it’s the art, science and psychology of following and unfolding the deepest nature of individual, communities, organizations and ecosystems.
Process work offers a clear, structured framework to find and bring into life what is needed but obscure and hidden. It helps to understand and navigate through the inner world of an individual and the outer world of relationships and groups through the concepts that describe the flow of experience and its blockages and barriers. It offers the tools to follow nature, access and process hidden information and to find treasure in the disturbance.
In this seminar we will create a clear link of methodologies between counselling and Process Work. We will explore how the information that we need in this moment of life is trying to manifest itself in different forms: through body symptoms, relationship problems, moods, altered states or social issues. We will focus on the fundamental areas of Process Work: Dreambody – body work, symptoms, dreaming process as well as relationships and conflict work.
We will learn:
We will practice the key counseling skills such as:
Bogna Szymkiewicz, Ph.D. has been teaching for over 30 years at the Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Warsaw. She holds diploma in Process Work from Zurich, and a degree in clinical psychology. She works with clients in private practice, facilitates groups and teaches Process Work internationally. She is a co-founder of Process Work School in Poland, where she teaches and gives supervision regularly.
As a researcher and author of articles and books, she participates in many conferences. Her publications include: “Wounded States of Consciousness. About Pain, Anger and Unconscious use of Power in Relationships” (in Polish, English version soon), “Deeper into the Soul. beyond Dementia and Alzheimer’s towards Forgetfulness Care” (co-writer); “Process Work: Theory and Practice” (editor of the anthology, in Polish) , and many articles. Bogna has 23-years old twin daughters and a funny dog Pepi. She lives in Warsaw, Poland.
Ana Rhodes, PhD, has trained in a wide variety of personal and organisational development skills including Process Oriented Psychology, appreciative inquiry, conflict facilitation, applied skills for sustainable social and culture change, leadership and confidence building, outcome mapping, supervision and executive coaching.
Some K positions she has help over her professional life:
facilitating big group process and open forum dialogue in order to support sustainable decision making, strategic and economic awareness for the benefit of the long term life of the system.
This involved running internal trainings, conflict facilitation, supervision and overseeing structures that support the Findhorn Foundation to function efficiently at an individual and collective level.
She has founded a centre dedicated to the Transformation of Human Conflict (CTCH) that runs regular international training teaching conflict facilitation, deep democracy skills, group dynamics and evolutionary leadership as a new paradigm of world engagement.
She is a cofounder of the School of Arte del Processo in Italy. She currently is the faculty Director as well as a core teacher, supervisor and therapist within it.
She collaborates with a diversity of organisations as associate teacher and supervisor such as NAOS institute in London, IMPACT Evolution in Athens, OMA Richard Olivier Mythodrama in London, etc.
She feels deeply for working with cross-cultural education and diversity issues such as gender, race, sexual orientation, class, politics, religion…etc incorporating visual media and group dynamics. She has facilitated the international documentaries called The Dialogue and American Textures.
This seminar is for diversity of practitioners and for anyone that works with personal and professional development of individuals and groups – such as counselors and therapists who want to add further creative skills and awareness to their already existing practice. Also, for social workers, teachers, facilitators and couches that are interested in adding extra skills and meta- skills to their current abilities. And for any person interested in their own wellbeing and personal evolution in life THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU!!!
The seminar to expand your own journey beyond what is known, as we explore the edges of our psychology and activate our own healing and creative powers while learning with others in a safe space.
The seminar is held in English with Italian translation.
The seminar is held in English with Italian translation.
The Italian School of Process Work and Deep Democracy is a Training Center IAPOP and it is affiliated to FEDPRO code EF006.
Seminar is open to members and is valid for 61,25 Italian CFP Fedpro credits.
MILAN Italy to Fabbrica del Vapore, Via G. C. Procaccini, 4
Training days reserved to students:
!!! Exceptionally this seminar is also accessible in the training days – usually reserved to students – on 23rd February afternoon and 24th February. This will give you the opportunity to concretely experience the Process Work method, to understand its power and how it can be useful for your personal and/or professional growth.
The seminar, which costs 230€, is open to members.
Training days which costs 150€ are usually reserved to school students and Process Work students and exceptionally are opened to members as well.
For more information on organization and teaching, you can also contact the student coordinator Samuel Capecchi at +39 347 182 1047 –
You can pay by credit/debit card or by bank transfer. Follow the instructions below.
Payment via credit/debit card
Payment by bank transfer
Follow the instructions below:
Are you already a member this year?
Make a bank transfer of 230€ to:
Associazione Arte del Processo, Piazza San Romano 16 CENTRO STORICO 55100 – LUCCA (LU)
IBAN: IT08C0501802800000012398665 SWIFT/BIC: ETICIT22XXX
Object: Registration + Seminar Title + Name and Surname
Still have to become a member?
Fill out the form to join the association (Click here) and make a transfer of € 250 to partecipate to the seminar (€ 20 membership fee + € 230 seminar registration)
PLEASE NOTE: to facilitate communications we kindly ask you to inform us of your registration by writing your contact details (name, surname, email, tel) to:
Thanks for collaboration!