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May 17, 2024 @ 3:00 pm - May 19, 2024 @ 1:00 pm

SEMINAR by Gill Emslie (teacher) e Sergi Barrientos (Training days)

WORLDWORK: THE PATH OF FREEDOM. Understanding the movements of discrimination and oppressive forces

While being in groups, it often happens that problems of structural discrimination, prejudices and unaware dynamics of rank and power ruin harmony and interconnections between people. An effective and profound communication is the key for a sustainable community. In this seminar, we will learn how to facilitate diversity in a group context, developing wisdom.

Argomenti trattati in questo seminario

For the success of sustainable communities, effective, deep communication is essential. Resilient communities and organisations strengthen the inner capacities of the individuals and their part in the whole.
In community life issues of structural discrimination, jealousy, competition and unconscious dynamics of rank and power often undermine the synergistic relationship and group interconnections we long for.

What will we do during the training?

In this workshop we will explore the essence of what is useful in what disturbs us and how to facilitate diversity in a group setting, observing our tendencies and biases, seeing the influence of rank, power and privilege, naming taboos and unspoken tensions and being in the moment.

We will develop eldership as a meta-skill needed to facilitate such processes and explore our own inner calling that draws us to explore these questions.

Who is it recommended for?

All those working with diversity issues in any context including coaches and therapists, managers, leaders, community organizers… etc.

Gill Emslie

Dipl. Process Work is an international facilitator, trainer and executive coach and consultant working with organizational development, leadership, peace building and conflict facilitation. She teaches and works in diverse settings ranging from the NGO and social and environmental justice sector, to business and local government, in Europe, Latin America and SE Asia, facilitating in-depth training programmes and working directly with leadership teams.

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Gill has also spent several years living and working with indigenous people in remote areas of the Earth and this has awoken in her a particular love for bio-cultural diversity and concern about its current predicament. When she is not travelling Gill lives in the Findhorn Foundation ecovillage which is an NGO providing training on issues of global concern related to sustainability, environment, peace, shelter and the creation of a sustainable world.

Visit her website: http://www.gillemslie.net

Sergi Barrientos

Facilitator, Trainer and Therapist, Diplomate on Process Work, I support individuals, groups and organizations to realize themselves, to connect with who they are and to discover what they contribute to their environment from a Process Work and Systemic approach.

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A long experience in social movements and social justice projects, as well as years living and working in different parts of the world with multiple organizations and communities have given me a cross-cultural awareness of the dynamics of privilege, power and marginalization.

Founder member of the Go Deep Project recognized with the GENE Global Education Innovation Award ’17, I currently collaborate with various organizations in Europe:

  • Supporting organizational development and conflict management in associations and companies.
  • Supporting the development of leadership and dialogue in the field of migration and reception.
  • Supporting men to become more aware of themselves, of the use/misuse of their power and the impact this has on themselves and their relationships.

I love the study and research, art and the mountains.



Email: sergiproces@gmail.com

Languages: EN – ES – IT


The seminar will be held in English with Italian translation.

The Italian School of Processwork and Deep Democracy is an IAPOP Training Center. The school is affiliated to Fedpro (EF006 Code).

Seminar open to members (43,5 CFP Fedpro credits)

Training days reserved to registered students (30 CFP Fedpro credits)



The first three days of open seminar (17-18-19 MAY 2024) will be held at VILLA MAJNONI BALDOVINETTI Via Mazzana n.1, Marti
56020 Montopoli in Val D’Arno
Pisa, Italy


  • Friday 17 May 15:00-19:00
  • Saturday 18 May 10:00-13:30; 15:00- 18:30
  • Sunday 19 May 09:30-13.00



  • Sunday 19 May 15.00-18:30
  • Monday 20 May 09:30-13:00; 14:30- 17:30



    Seminar open to members  230€  (17-18-19 MAY)

    Training days reserved for Process Work students – 150€ (19-20 MAY)

    In order to register, click on the boxes here below and buy your ticket via bank transfer.

    For more information: info@processworkitalia.com or Samuel Capecchi +39 347 182 1047


    You can pay by credit/debit card or by bank transfer.

    Payment via credit/debit card

    Enter your details below and fill out the form in 3 simple steps:


    Payment by bank transfer

    Follow the instructions below:

    Are you already a member this year?

    Make a bank transfer of 230€ or 380€ (seminar+traning days) to:

    Associazione Arte del Processo, Via XXV Aprile 10, Castelfiorentino (FI) IBAN: IT08C0501802800000012398665  SWIFT/BIC: ETICIT22XXX   Object: Registration + Seminar Title + Name and Surname

    Still have to become a member?

    Fill out the form to join the association (Click here) and make a transfer of € 250 to partecipate to the seminar (€ 20 membership fee + € 230 seminar registration) or €400 to partecipate to the seminar + training days (€20 membership fee + €380 seminar+training days)

    PLEASE NOTE: to facilitate communications we kindly ask you to inform us of your registration by writing your contact details (name, surname, email, tel) to: info@processworkitalia.com

    Thanks for collaboration!


    May 17, 2024 @ 3:00 pm
    May 19, 2024 @ 1:00 pm


    Circolo ricreativo l’Ortaccio
    Via Loris Baroni 14
    Vico Pisano, Pisa 56010